見 證  Testimonies

以下是癌友和關懷義工的錄影見證,文字見證下頁 .

Following are video testimonies from our cancer patients and our caregivers.  Click here for written testimonies.


A group of Christians founded the Greater Seattle Herald Cancer Care service in 2021. Through active listening, empathy, and companionship, they provide spiritual and emotional support to those facing the challenges of cancer. In this interview by Chinese Radio Seattle, team members share their personal experiences of God's calling, blessings they receive, and the services they provide. 



My heart rings a new melody (with Chinese subtitles)

Shukuan experienced ovarian cancer and its complications. Her suffering through the chemo treatment was intense. Despite all of that, she composed four songs full of thanksgiving and hope. What is her secret? Listen to her songs…





  Finding Hope In You" 

Song of Praises For Your Healing” 


Walked through a land of flood and fire (with Chinese subtitles)

Pastor Long's training to be a hospital chaplain was cut short when hit by advanced cancer. His cancer journey carried him into a deeper understanding of how God wanted him to be trained to serve others.

江冠元牧師 (Pastor Long) 在接受院牧訓練時忽然被診斷患了末期淋巴癌,在表面上他的訓練好像終斷了,但事實上神是讓他在這段艱辛的抗癌經歷中,體驗到神的大能,並更深地裝備他日後去關懷心靈和肉體有痛苦的人。


No fear in the shadow of the valley of death (with Chinese subtitles)

Going from nasopharyngeal to lung cancer in 17 years, Mrs. Luk, with the support of Mr. Luk was transformed from being fearful to fearless, keeping her fight with cancer, living with peace and joy in her heart to face each new day. What's her secret?



Grace & Care from Heaven (with Chinese subtitles)

Susan and David Wang are both cancer survivors. This is their testimonies of how God has changed them through their journeys and called them to serve with us since 2014 to walk with other cancer patients and bring hope and love to them. David’s journey continues as he went through cancer treatment for the third time in March of 2018.

王忠明, 黃淑貞夫婦都是癌症的倖存者。這是他們見證神怎樣在抗癌路上改變了他們,並在2014年呼招了他們將愛和希望去關懷我們的癌友。忠明剛剛在2018年3月接受了第三次癌症的治療。這是他們動人的見證。


Teresa's Story (with Chinese subtitles)

Through an incredibly difficult cancer experience, Teresa encountered God and through this inner journey, she found her true identity as a child of God. Her survival from cancer also brought her a spiritual renewal. View this true life story as told by Teresa herself. 



Mrs. Yu's Story (with Chinese subtitles)

Cancer caused Mrs. Yu to suffer to the point where she wanted to give up. She was overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness and helplessness, and depressed by loneliness.  This is her true story of how God delivered her from this valley and gave her a new life in Him.


心靈的醫治 - 蓮姐的故事 

The life changing story of sister Lian (with Chinese subtitles)

Cancer diagnosis came as a shock to Lian, causing her world to collapse around her. Through Christian caring that ushered her back to God, she found peace and was granted one miracle after another to convince her how real God is. Lian started to walk with God, and this brings her family closer together.


Ruby 的故事  

Ruby's story (with Chinese subtitles)

Cancer pushed Ruby to the brink of death. After the doctors gave up on her and put her in hospice care, God opened a new door to bring healing. Emerging from a journey of extreme suffering, she not only survived, but have found a new purpose in life to share her message of hope wherever she finds the opportunity.
