Bereavement Support Books
If you are caring for someone who has recently lost a loved one, this booklet is for you. It will equip you to extend care more effectively and compassionately. In a few pages, this booklet outlines some do’s and don’ts and help you to be more sensitive as you accompany the one in bereavement and bring emotional and spiritual support.
If you have just lost a loved one and is in deep grief, this booklet is for you. The author shares his own experience of losing his wife as well as the experience of other friends with similar losses. It will take you through the stages of grief in the first year of your bereavement. It offers constructive suggestions for you to care for yourself emotionally, spiritually and physically.
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Book Sale
There are three ways to buy the listed books. (Sorry, we can only ship within the U.S. for the time being.) Any questions please call 510-893-3210.
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- 523-8th Street, Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 893-3210
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